~ home ~{angie} Welcome June! With wedding season upon us, here's a great gift idea to start the newlyweds' home--a "You Are Special Today" plate. This was one of my favorite traditions growing up. If you didn't have one in your family, this red plate is used for occasions when someone in the family has something special happening, e.g. a birthday, great report card, promotion, graduation, significant accomplishment, Mother/Father's Day, etc. Since we truly only used it on special occasions (you can't dilute the importance by just using it anytime), using the "You Are Special Today" plate was something really exciting and served as that extra tidbit of recognition for our celebrations. I gave one to my best friend and her husband last year as part of their wedding present and I was so excited to receive this one at my wedding. I can promise you this plate will have many years of special memories for my family. It may not be something on their registry, but it's a wonderful tradition and personalized gift that will be used for years to come.
in·spi·ra·tionin·spi·ra·tion (ĭn'spə-rā'shən) n. Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.
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