~ a better you ~
I'm officially nearing training for my annual half marathon. Even though it's cold outside, I'm pushing myself to maintain my strength and endurance in preparation for that training routine. Lately I've been resisting any sort of workout that requires me to do more than just walk outside my door. Because of this, I've started regularly running hills.
I used to avoid hills like they were the plague. But since I moved to a neighborhood located in Salt Lake's benches, I decided to start embracing the natural training that's right outside my door. My routine involves running up and down the steepest streets I can find, catching my breath on downhills or crosswalks. Sure, it's not always fun, but I know it's beneficial. Hill running is making me stronger and faster (and tightening the tush, of course). It's a great workout during the winter... I'm most definitely not cold after running up a hill or two.
Intrigued? Read this great article from Runners World to get started.