Sometimes I get so caught up getting stuff done on the weekend, I forget I need to relax--and by sometimes, I mean usually. That means Monday is usually a bit groggy. But this weekend was different. Nothing incredible occurred, but it was all those little everyday things that made my weekend extraordinary.

This banana pancakes recipe is my favorite for Sunday mornings, 1) because holy crap they are incredible and 2) because on any given weekend I generally have all the ingredients, including the brown bananas that didn't quite get eaten in time.

Oh, and one small addition--I became the mayor of this gorgeous park. One small victory spreading my Foursquare empire. Lame that I'm excited about this? I know, but as I said, it's the small things this weekend that made it rock.
What would this weekend be without the 83rd Annual Academy Awards? As always, I enjoyed the analyzing the fashion and listening to speeches (and sometimes muting because they're too long, I'll be honest). I definitely approved of the winners of Best Actress and Best Actor. I loved Natalie Portman with her heartfelt speech and her cute baby bump. She has evolved so much from the movies I grew up watching her in like "Anywhere But Here." I also can't help but swoon a bit for Colin Firth. He's such an incredible actor, so classy, and always humble.
Anyway, it's weekends like this one that makes Monday morning feel so acceptable and refreshing. Plenty of sleep, exercise, good food and most importantly, relaxation.