~ small inspiration ~{angie} Recently a group of my old ice skating friends reformed our synchronized skating team, this time as an adult team. It has a little different dynamic now--we're all a little older, many of us are married, a couple have kids, the youngest ones are now in college. What hasn't changed is our ability to rock the cheesy smiles and goof off like we're still 15, the way we can cross, turn and twizzle in synchronicity, and of course, how much we love the sport. There's nothing like being with old friends, especially the ones that have known you since before you had braces. Today was our first exhibition and I think it went pretty well considering we've only had a few practices. Afterward a judge even told us we had to keep doing it so we could compete at nationals (I guess those cheesy smiles paid off). After our old team disbanded we all expressed our love for skating differently--coaching, ice dance, competitive singles, judging, collegiate synchronized skating, and gold medal tests-- but there's something about this team sport that we all still have a heart for. Nothing quite replaces the feeling of performing with 15 girlfriends who you know you can't count on to entertain an audience with you. These girls are my teammates and I'm so happy to have them all back in my life.
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in·spi·ra·tionin·spi·ra·tion (ĭn'spə-rā'shən) n. Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.
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