~ home ~
- Turn down or turn off your air conditioning during the day when you're not home. Many thermostats are programmable so you can set times for it to be turned on or off.
- Check your home for air leaks around door frames and windows to make sure you have a proper seal.
- Avoid using the oven (except for our Mixer Mixer next Tuesday of course). Cook meals in the microwave, on the grill or choose dishes that don't require cooking.
- Only wash full loads of dishes and clothes. Wash clothes in cold water and air dry. Use the air dry option on your dishwasher if it has one.
- Turn down the thermostat in your water heater to 120 or 115 degrees rather than up to 140 degrees.
- Turn off computers, electronics and lights when they are not in use. They generate heat and electricity.
- Keep windows closed during the day to keep heat down.
- Keep appliances or heat generating devices away from your thermostat so it doesn't misread the temperature and over cool your house.
- Use ceiling or floor fans instead of blasting your A/C. Sometimes it helps to simply keep air circulating.