Looks like the Fairbanks family might be expanding! No Mom, I'm not pregnant, and based on my advice in this post, that is NOT how I'd tell you. When we first looked at the floorplan of our house when it was being built last year, there was this nook that bothered me right in the middle of the upper floor in the hallway between the bedrooms. At first I saw it as such a waste of space. What would I put there? A chair I'd never sit on? Decor I'd never look at? Then it occurred to me--this nook would be a bedroom for the puppy! Naturally, this idea made me excited for this space. It was right in the center of the house where she could be near to us but have her own area without taking up any of the space we needed or being sent to the garage or basement. One problem--we don't have a puppy yet and weren't quite ready to have puppy paws on our brand new home and furniture. Well after eight months of getting settled into our new place I think it might be time to fill the empty nest. Can't wait! Stay tuned!
{angie} Looks like the Fairbanks family might be expanding! No Mom, I'm not pregnant, and based on my advice in this post, that is NOT how I'd tell you. When we first looked at the floorplan of our house when it was being built last year, there was this nook that bothered me right in the middle of the upper floor in the hallway between the bedrooms. At first I saw it as such a waste of space. What would I put there? A chair I'd never sit on? Decor I'd never look at? Then it occurred to me--this nook would be a bedroom for the puppy! Naturally, this idea made me excited for this space. It was right in the center of the house where she could be near to us but have her own area without taking up any of the space we needed or being sent to the garage or basement. One problem--we don't have a puppy yet and weren't quite ready to have puppy paws on our brand new home and furniture. Well after eight months of getting settled into our new place I think it might be time to fill the empty nest. Can't wait! Stay tuned! {angie}
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in·spi·ra·tionin·spi·ra·tion (ĭn'spə-rā'shən) n. Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.
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