~ day 2: how to ~

The pup or dog lover in your life will LOVE this gift! While opening the presents and enjoying the treats the holidays bring you certainly don't want little Fido to feel left out. Why not make him/her a personalized stocking and homemade doggy biscuits? Here's how to do it yourself this holiday season.
What you need:
1 piece of felt for each color of the dog
Thread to match
Pre-assembled stocking (can purchase a plain one or make one yourself)
Needle and pins
Optional: Ribbon for collar, rhinestones, dog tag charm, etc
Step 1: Make the pattern. Look at your dog's face and break it down into basic shapes. Generally it will be an oval for the head and a heart-like shape for the muzzle. Draw half then fold your paper in half so it's symmetrical. If your dog has floppy ears (like my Daisy) pull the ears up so you can see the full shape before you draw. Add any spots or distinguishing marks. You see I add the white stripe down Daisy's nose.
Step 2: Pin the pattern to felt, cut it out, and assemble together by pinning.
Step 3: Stitch pieces together by hand or with a sewing machine. Add buttons for eyes and nose.
Step 4: Pin in place and attach to stocking. If adding a collar, attach ribbon in center, adding stitches at neck width before sewing down muzzle so it covers the collar. Tie ribbon, then sew down muzzle. Add any embellishments desired and fill with doggy treats and toys!

These biscuits are loaded with vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, and anti-oxidants which are good for a healthy heart and preventing cancer. After all, we want many more Christmases with our puppies.
1 15 ounce can pumpkin
3/4 cup oatmeal
3/4 cup wheat flour
1 egg
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients together and form into balls or push into cookie cutter shapes. Put onto a greased pan and cook for 14-16 minutes.